authentic Marc Jacobs bag is pricey

1.You know an authentic Marc Jacobs bag is pricey. Ranging from $100 for a small coin bag and upwards, depending on the style, they are an investment piece. But if you can afford it, you will enjoy it. When shopping for a new Marc Jacobs, you have probably visited the major retailers or maybe a Marc Jacobs boutique store or the Marc Jacobs website. You have probably narrowed down your choice of bag and are ready to comparison shop online. eBay is an amazing place to purchase Marc Jacobs handbags, and yes, they can be 100% authentic. But like anything in life, you need to use common sense when purchasing on eBay. eBay does police their sellers heavily in the handbag market, and it is comforting to know that 99% of the bags being sold are authentic. Don't worry, just be smart.

2.Look at the hardware details.It is often hard to tell by a seller's eBay photos if the bag is a knock-off or not, but pay attention to the details. A trusted seller should be aware how important it is to showcase the hardware (which is often highly detailed, and stamped) in their listing photos. If they don't, ask for more photos. Here is an example of a good shot of up close hardware. Check the photos! If a seller is using a company's stock photos and not their own, be concerned. I am not saying all stock photo users are selling fakes, but it would make me nervous. I want to see the real handbag I am buying, not a factory's stock photo.Stain/Water Resistant Signature Jacquard Fabric Genuine Leather Trim with Contrasting Stitch Detailing Front Leather Coach Signature Patch

3.This is the Top Rated Seller badge you want to look for.
 Check the eBay seller's feedback on the listing you are interested in. Are they an established seller, preferably a Top Rated Seller? handbags outlet Do they sell other names of handbags you would fine in stores that stock Marc Jacobs? If they sell only Marc Jacobs bags it could be a red flag that they are being supplied with non-authentic items. What are other buyers saying about them? This will be clear in the feedback left.

4.This is a great example of an honest seller pointing out a small flaw in the leather.
Is there damaged noted? If a seller is honest enough to point out small nicks in the leather or light wear to the hardware, chances are it is authentic. Many amazing bargains have been had on eBay with buyers buying slightly used handbags. This is a great idea for saving a bit of money on an authentic handbag.

5.Again, look for the Top Rated Seller badge near the seller's feedback rating.
 Is the eBay seller a Top Rated Seller? cartier eyeglasses You can find out by looking near their user ID. If they are a Top Rated Seller they will have a gold ribbon badge near their name and feedback. If they are, rest assured that they have earned the trust of the eBay community. They are not selling fakes. Look at the seller's past history. Has this seller sold a high amount of the exact same handbag? If so, this could be a red flag. Typically an eBay seller doesn't have the luxury of a depth of inventory from a trusted source. If a seller has 200 handbags of the same style/color/etc....this could mean they are purchasing them from an unauthorized source.

6.What is your initial impression? Does the sale "feel" right? Typically in most cases your inner instinct is usually correct, so if you are second guessing a listings it may be best to pass on it. Use common sense too; while we all love a great deal, we know in our hearts that a $500 authentic handbag from a trusted seller will not sell for pennies.

Par stevenroberson le mercredi 20 avril 2011


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